country-by-country quota

country-by-country quota
квота для каждой страны

English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "country-by-country quota" в других словарях:

  • Country quota — The country quota was a part of the New Zealand electoral system from 1881 until 1945. Its effect was to make urban constituencies more populous than those in rural areas, thus making rural votes worth more in general elections.[1] The quota was… …   Wikipedia

  • country quota — /kʌntri ˈkwoʊtə/ (say kuntree kwohtuh) noun NZ a former statutory weighting given to votes in rural constituencies …  

  • quota system — UK US noun [C] COMMERCE ► a method of setting a limit on how much of something a country or company is allowed to have, produce, import, etc.: »The proposed change in the quota system would add millions of barrels of oil to the world market. »The …   Financial and business terms

  • quota — ► NOUN 1) a limited quantity of a product which may be produced, exported, or imported. 2) a share that one is entitled to receive or bound to contribute. 3) a fixed number of a group allowed to do something, e.g. immigrants entering a country.… …   English terms dictionary

  • quota — also: import quota Puts limits on the quantity of certain products that can be legally imported into a particular country during a particular time frame. There is a Fixed quota, which is a maximum quantity not to be exceeded, and tariff rate… …   Financial and business terms

  • quota — 01. We caught our [quota] of fish for the day in the first two hours so then we had to stop. 02. He exceeded his [quota] of clams when he went clam digging at the beach, so he had to pay a fine. 03. Every salesman has a minimum [quota] of cars he …   Grammatical examples in English

  • quota — /kwoh teuh/, n. 1. the share or proportional part of a total that is required from, or is due or belongs to, a particular district, state, person, group, etc. 2. a proportional part or share of a fixed total amount or quantity. 3. the number or… …   Universalium

  • quota — [[t]kwo͟ʊtə[/t]] quotas 1) N COUNT: oft N of n A quota is the limited number or quantity of something which is officially allowed. The quota of four tickets per person had been reduced to two. 2) N COUNT: oft N of n, N n A quota is a fixed… …   English dictionary

  • quota immigrant — noun : an immigrant subject to the quota restrictions imposed by various United States immigration laws * * * quota immigrant noun An immigrant (to the USA) admitted as one of the yearly quota allowed to his or her country of origin, as opposed… …   Useful english dictionary

  • quota system — 1. a system, originally determined by legislation in 1921, of limiting by nationality the number of immigrants who may enter the U.S. each year. 2. a policy of limiting the number of minority group members in a business firm, school, etc. 3. any… …   Useful english dictionary

  • quota-hopping — quoˈta hopping noun The practice of registering a fishing vessel in a port of another country in order to use the fish quota of that country • • • Main Entry: ↑quota …   Useful english dictionary

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